You can personalize it or add something to it… I admit they’ve been nice to use on the days when we’re running short on time. I thought it would be nice though to have some FREE lunch box notes already printed out to write on. I know this because my kids tell me so! In fact, they keep their notes every day and never throw them away which I think is SO cute! Not sure about you, but school is tough for kids so words of encouragement are always appreciated.

If I’m feeling really witty I like to write a joke. Yes, I write a note to the kids EVERY DAY!! Sometimes it’s a simple, “I love you,” (if time is short) but I usually try to write some words of encouragement or a reminder for the day. With their lunch made each day, one of our traditions has been the “note from mom” I add to it each morning. They’re pretty good about having a good mix of foods and I’m proud to say they don’t load it up with just “treats”. It’s something they actually enjoy, and of course, it’s something we still over-see. We had most of these rules last year, but a new one we’ve done this year is having the kids make their lunches. The kids play an active role in doing these responsibilities, which we appreciate. These are just some of the “rules” we’ve set up for this school year.

Clothes laid out for the next day of school.Lunches made and in the fridge for the next day of school.

#Encouraging lunch box notes for kids tv#